Tuesday, June 09, 2009

As if killing wasn't bad enough, they dismember the body too.

Last Sunday, the body parts of a man were found dumped in different parts of Chennai city. Someone came across a plastic bag containing his hands, while his legs were found at some
other place and the torso was found in a cardboard box between a wall and a parked car.
The head is yet to be traced.

Police officials say that there were no blood traces on the body parts which means they must have been washed before they were disposed off and that such a gory act could only be done
by a 'psycho'. You don't need to be a law enforcement officer to make out that it needs truly psychotic behaviour to chop up the body parts of a human being, wash them like you would
wash chicken legs and then dump them at various places. The victim's wife could not fathom why someone would do this to her husband. As she grieved over her husband, she cried out
about his missing head.

Since worse incidents have been reported in newspapers, we've become so inured to such
news that after a few minutes of shock, we move on. But what moved me was a photo of
the victim, his wife & their 2 young sons that was in yesterday's newspaper, in which they
are standing in front of the image of a Hindu deity & are bowing forwards in obeisance.
Even the younger kid, just 4 years old or so, is bent forwards. It was quite moving to see
the young kid who would miss out on something really important in life - the companionship
and protection of a father.

For those that committed the crime, it was just a murder (business rivalry, as per the cops),
but in the process they rendered a young woman a widow & her sons have lost their father.
And as if that wasn't enough, they cut him up into pieces and dump them at various places
in the city. Capital punishment won't be good enough for the scum that perpetrated this
gory crime. I hope they are brought to book soon.

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