only to be snipped and consigned to the dustbin in etherspace. :-)
Sub : Something you did not know about Belgrade - more beauty per square metre.
Sent : 12 October 2009 17:16PM
To : The_Office_Gang
It is not even a week since I landed at Belgrade, but it did not take me more than an hour
on the streets of Belgrade to realise that there is something very special about this place.
On the first day, I am walking to work & 99.9% women seen on the street are hot facially,
have great eyes, nice complexion & a figure that would give any movie actress (Bollywood, Hollywood whatever) a complex.
Even middle-aged women have an hour-glass figure. By looking at a woman from behind,
you would not be able to tell if she is 20 years old or 50. Initially I thought it must be just
a coincidence. But when each and every woman/girl on the street looks like a model and
the paved streets resemble a catwalk, the coincidence-theory flies out of the window.
When you add to this the fact that the "national dress" of Serbian-women is sleeve-less,
low-neck T-shirt and jean/mini-skirt, it becomes tough to negotiate your way on the
streets without banging into some pillar or the other. Actually T-shirt is a misnomer. It is
more like a man's vest (banian), just that it is colorful and is loooooow neck. After a week
here, cleavage has lost any charm that it had.
One of the first things (actually the 1st thing) my colleague who reached here a week
ahead of me, told me when I reached Belgrade was "Man, the girls here are hot".
Having seen some hot women in Belgium/Holland/France, I dismissed it off as being
because it is his first visit to Europe. Only to realise that I was so wrong.
The second thing he said (with quite a tinge of sadness) was "They do not even give
you a look." That was also so true. You pass by all these attractive women and not
even one even acknowledges your existence. Being the curious type, I decided to get
to the root of this. After all, how is it possible that all the women of a country can be
so attractive ?
A google search for "Serbian girls" led me to a few blogs, which confirmed that indeed
this was something any visitor to Serbia has experienced. Some attribute it to genetics,
some to the women taking great care in maintaining themselves etc. But what everyone
finally agrees on is that Serbia is one place on earth where you find more beauty per
square metre. I think Serbia should trademark this tagline.
And, it is not just men who have experienced this, there are blogs writtten by women
who felt severe inferiority complex on seeing the female beauty in Serbia. The blogs
also confirmed that the women here are aware that they are awesome and which is
the reason why they do not acknowledge stares from the drooling men. If at all you
think you would like to have a chance with these ladies, be prepared to have deep
pockets and a high-end car (a Merc S-class or a M-class should do).
Bottomline : If you are able to get to Serbia on work (like me), well and good. If not, beg/borrow/steal to have a vacation here. Only thing to remember is that you should
not bring your wife/gf - not a good idea.
P.S. : Another great thing about this place is the awesome range of cars on the streets.
I am yet to come across a country that has battered Yugos/Ladas to S-classes. Even
our Maruti-800 is here, so is the Santro, Getz, Optra etc etc. But then I am sure none
of you would be coming over here to checkout cars. :-)
BTW, a dollar gets you 62 Dinars, which makes it I guess a great destination for those
from the US. Another reason for you to come down. :-)
And these were some of the snaps I posted on the forum. I am aware that these snaps
might not be that great to back up my claim of Serbian women being the most pretty
on earth. But then, clicking humans is not as easy as clicking cars - the cars don't mind
their pictures being taken. So, these are just random shots that we could take.
1) A mother of two kids - yet so svelte.

2. Exudes attitude with an 'A'. I am not hazarding a guess as to her age.

3. Two kids - late teens maybe.

4. This lady would be in her late thirties or early forties, but she had an amazing poise.
Pity the snap does not do justice to her looks.

5. Two girls at the campus of Belgrade University.
well, i am from Serbia and i am aware of this, but i need to write some truth here. first of all i need to say that i work here as Dee Jay and i work with a lot of artists from around the world, and a lot of them was here to play their music. they say about serbia that we have most beautiful girls on the world, we and brasil as well. so it's true that serbian girls are very beautiful. but that you need to have deep pocket if you like to be with one ... well simple that is not true for all the girls. yea mybe 20% of the girls are prefer guys who have deep pocket and nice car, but if you are guy who have good story to tell, trust me, they will listen, same as everywhere ... you need to have good story to tell! that's all what you need, and i am sure that you have a big chance to be with one of the girls if you do the right thing right from the start, because they know very well how they look, but listen this, it's very immportant info to know about it: "females from 15-30 yrs old are going 4 girls on 1 man!!!" after that you need to count good looking girls, and they are mybe 33% so that mean more than 1 good looking girl is going on one man. there is your chance, a lot of girls are free! all of them have their need's for the man, so if you are smart, i am sure that everyone will find girl for him! ;)
ReplyDeletegirls in serbia ... saga continues! :)