Saturday, September 12, 2009

The most dangerous driving hazard on Chennai roads.

I was talking with a friend the other day over crappy machine-coffee, and the topic veers
to the rapidly deteriorating roads in Chennai, the dare-devil bikers who seem to be riding
with only one aim - to come under the wheels of cars, poor lighting on roads etc.

While he agreed that these were indeed a pain in the rear, according to him none of these
were serious hazards and asks me if I know what is the biggest driving hazard on Chennai roads ?

I make a few guesses - the cows & buffaloes that roam/snooze on the roads, jay-walkers
who jump in front of speeding cars when you least expect them to, the speed-humps that
pop up overnight catching you by surprise, etc - but according to him, none of these qualify
as the biggest hazard.

I give up and ask him to enlighten me. Imagine my surprise when he says that the most dangerous hazard on Chennai roads is "low-cut jeans". Seeing my blank look, he clarifies,
"Have you ever driven behind a bike that has a PYT on the pillion wearing a dangerously
low-cut jeans coupled with a short top and tried concentrating on the road ?"

Well, once I did come across this, but that was when my car was stationary at a traffic
light and so I did not really need to concentrate on the road. He signs off by saying,
"Well let me know how you fare when you are driving. I don't know about you, but I
almost crashed into the median the other day."

Well, you learn something new everyday. :-)

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