Have any of you seen the awesome print advertisements put out by the Australian Tourism department ? If not, you can check them out at http://www.wherethebloodyhellareyou.com/
The name of the website would itself have given you an idea of what the ads would be like.
Most tourism ads are about showing off the places of interest in that country/state, with
taglines that invite you to come over, in an oh-so polite way.
But, not Australia. They rouse your interest by asking where the bloody hell are you ?
Which not only grabs your immediate attention when you are thumbing through the pages
of the magazine, but also makes you go through the full copy and finally end up getting you thinking of vacationing in Australia. A good eyeball grabber, so to say. And done in a real unconventional way. I likeee.
Have a look at this one.
Courtesy : Australian Tourism and the http://www.wherethebloodyhellareyou.com/website.
The copy reads,
"We've switched on the lights. Turned up the verdi. And the champagne's on board."
Awesome right ? Check out more such ads on their website.
I hear these advertisements have been banned in the U.K., due to being offensive or something. Though I for one, can't figure out what is so offensive about these advertisments.
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