Monday, August 06, 2007

You want who ? A nurse ? OK, get in line.

Was talking with a friend while at Kerala last week. He works in Saudi Arabia (or the 'Gelf'
as any self-respecting Mallu would say) and was in Kerala on a well-deserved 3-month
vacation after some 2 years of slogging it out there. Primary intention of the visit was to find himself a wife.

We meet over a few whiskey-and-sodas and our conversation went something like below :

Me : So, you are having fun at home. 3 months of vacation sounds cool to guys like us, who
have to do with occasional visits of few days.
Friend-1 : Yeah, but even if your duration of stay is less, you get to come whenever you
feel like, while we get to come only once in 2-3 years. So, sort of evens out, doesn't it ?

Me : Thats true. We get to make more frequent trips, though short ones.
Friend-1 : Anyway already 2 months went by so fast. And still no success on getting a wife, even after some 10 bride-seeing visits. I have only 1 month leave left.

Me : Why did none of the 10 girls work out ? You did not like any of them ?
Friend-1 : Well, some of them I did not consider - mainly because they were not working.
And the ones I preferred, the girl's side did not respond after that - maybe they did not like
me or my job or something. Anyway, its been a pain, this bride searching.

Me : What are your priorities when you consider a girl to be your future wife ?
Friend-1 : Well, looks is definitely important, though I am not looking for a beauty queen. Looks compatible with mine should be more than enough. And what is important is
that she should be working, preferably a nurse. I would prefer a girl with a B.Sc. (Nursing)
degree, though if push comes to shove, I can make do with someone having a General Nursing degree also.

Me : In that case, why did you not look around at all the Keralite girls working as nurses in Saudi Arabia itself ? Would have saved you the trouble of going around here looking for a bride.
Friend-1 : Nice suggestion, but there are issues with that. For one, those girls earn big money there (nurses are highly paid in the Gulf countries) and would therefore look only at guys who earn much more than them. And secondly, the good ones would already behitched to someone.

Me : OK, so thats not a viable option. So what is the plan of action for you now ?
Friend-1 : I have some more bride-seeing visits lined up in the coming days. Hoping one of them works out.

Me : Best of luck with your search and hope you find a suitable mate soon.

Since he has to go the next day on another bride-seeing session, he decides it better to
stop after one large peg and pushes off. While I am left alone at our awesome open-air bar,
enjoying my second drink, another friend comes along.

Me : Hey, every other girl in Kerala is a nurse, or so it seems. Then why is it so tough for
guys to get a bride who is a nurse ?
Friend-2 : That's so easy. You know what ? Our guys who work in the Gulf, all want only nurses as brides. But do you know what the nurses are angling for ? They want doctors as husbands. That's the whole issue. :-)

Hmm. Quite logical thinking on our girl's part, right ?

P.S: Have been thinking of a post on our open-air bar for a long time. Should do it soon.

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