Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blood is thicker than water ? Think again.

Read about this lady in a weekly magazine. She is a native of Orissa and had been married
for something like 8 years. Life was good to the couple except for the fact that they were not blessed with a kid. They tried all the usual avenues - gynaecs, fertility clinics etc etc, without any success.

Finally they decided that they have had enough of it and decided to adopt a kid. They got
in touch with an adoption agency and soon were able to adopt a kid. The baby brought joy
to them and gave a new meaning to their life. However, what they had not factored in was
societal opposition to adoption. Her parents, inlaws and other relatives were all against
them adopting a kid and tried their best to convince them against it.

However, they stood by their decision and soon the cute baby turned all its detractors into ardent admirers. All those that had been against bringing the baby home, were now waiting
for a chance to hold the baby and spend time watching its kiddy behaviour.

The kid grows up with love from all quarters and soon no one is even thinking that it is
an adopted kid. Ofcourse destiny has to put in a turn of events to rock the boat. The lady becomes pregnant. To say that the couple are surprised would be putting it real mildly.
All these years they had tried every means to have a kid of their own, without any success.
And now when they had given up hope, they get blessed out of the blue.

The whole family is happy about this development, except for the lady herself who is in
two minds now. While she is happy that she is going to be a mother, she is also worried
that once her biological kid comes, her love for the adopted one would diminish, which
definitely is a possibility given the way normal human behaviour goes.

As days go by, she is more and more agitated about this unexpected turn of events and
tries to get a handle on how the future would look like, when her baby would join the family. Though she feels that she would treat both the kids similarly and fairly, she still cannot rule
out the small possibility of being more closer to her biological kid.

She finally decides that if she indeed happens to love her own kid more than the adopted
one in the future, it would not be fair to the bundle of joy that helped give a new meaning
to their life some years ago, when they were all down due to not having kids.

So, she does something which would be unimaginable for any normal woman in her place.
She terminates her months-old pregnancy. I was purely zapped reading this article and
amazed at the sacrifice that she did for the sake of anotherhuman being who is not even connected biologically to her.

Looks like blood is not thicker than water, as we have been led to believe.

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