Thursday, November 09, 2006

Not exactly his master's voice ...

The poodle has finally decided not to toe the master's line. After years of blindly following
the leader, the poodle has finally had a viewpoint different from his master.

The master has worked behind the scenes to get Saddam a death sentence for crimes
the US has been doing for years and has gotten away with. However, this is one
where Blair cannot toe the Bush line. Not because he does not want to or because
differs in opinion, but just because the European Union of which the U.K. is a part,
a strict view on capital punishment.

The E.U. has always been against capital punishment and Blair cannot be seen differing
from that view. Hence his difference with the master, however reluctantly.

When New Labour overthrew the Tories many years ago and Tony Blair took office as
Minister for the 1st time, I was among the many that applauded. I have no vested
interest in U.K.
politics, nor have I stayed there. A 4-hour transit at Heathrow airport
many years ago, does not count as a stay anyway.

My interest was because the country was getting a young leader who I expected would be
more efficient and proactive. Unlike the leaders that we are cursed with, who are reluctant
to give up power even when they are having one feet in the grave.

However, the Iraq invasion exposed Blair for what he actually was - a white colonialist,

working with another of the same ilk, who rushed into Iraq among other things, to avenge
the insult that his Dad had faced many years ago. Ofcourse, it helped that there was lots
of oil around & the opportunity to provide companies owned by friends, lucrative contracts,
in the name of rebuilding Iraq.

I am happy that Blair will be moving out of Downing Street pretty soon. Good riddance.

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