Monday, August 22, 2011

New addition to the family

On 22-Aug-2011, we welcomed another member to our family. While we were hoping for a girl, God decided we would be better off with another boy. Aman is thrilled though - he said, he now has someone to play cricket with. Though he got sad when we told him that it would be some time before the baby started even walking, let alone play cricket.

Sleeping blissfully on the hospital bed, after keeping us all awake for 3 nights in a row.

All swathed in soft blue.

Aman watching the baby. Since it was him that wished for a baby brother/sister, we hopefully would not have to deal with any sibling rivalry here.

The 1st snap of the baby, as soon as it was born. Looks so much like Aman looked at birth.

We had girl names ready, since we were almost sure it would be a girl. Now, we need to start looking for boy names. For now, the kid would be called "Appu", as Aman used to address the baby even before it was born.