Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Mea Culpa - a confession with a twist, by Aman

In the last year or a little more than that, Aman has been throwing tantrums for very small things, thus getting
on Sheena's nerves. More so because she is already overloaded with taking care of  Ishaan (who is currently
in a cling-to-Momma mode), getting Aman to school and other work at home. And usually these sessions
happen when she is getting him ready for school or when he is back from school.

Reasons could be as simple as "the tucked-in school shirt is not fully tucked-in as per his expectation, with
a wee bit peeping out" or "he wants to wear red pants with yellow t-shirt, which we think would make him
look like Salman Khan (yuck)" or "while the tomato-rice she packed for lunch that day was good, it had the
skin of tomato or its seeds in it, inspite of his making it clear the previous day that he hates it".

Though the reasons seem trivial, we see in it a possible hint of sibling rivalry or jealousy. While he loves
Ishaan, we reckon that sometimes he feels everyone is more bothered about Ishaan. And in the last month
or so, this is partly true to. Reason# 1 being that Ishaan has started taking baby steps to walk with support
from tables/chairs etc, which means he sometimes loses his balance and falls. So all of us are a little careful
about him. Reason# 2 is that for some strange reason he is now very clingy to Sheena and does not let her
leave his side for even a second when awake.

Anyway yesterday evening on return from school, the reason was tomato-skin in the rice and he flopped on
the sofa. Assuming he is tired after a hectic day at school, Sheena lets him be and goes out to the swing in
our front-yard and spends some time with Ishaan - basically laughing / playing with him. Not sure if the
mother-son bonding got to him or what, but he starts off on his tantrum spree. Finally, Sheena takes a small
twig and gives him 1 beating which calms him up. As a rule, we don't hit him as we believe the rod should
be the last resort.

Anyway later, when the 3 of them are sitting on the swing, Sheena decides to do a talk session with Aman.
Basically she tells him how with both of them being kids, she needs to ensure that they are doing things right
and which apart from her other chores keeps her busy and if he starts off his tantrums, then it becomes too
difficult for her.

Aman is all attention and finally says, "Amma, it is all my fault."

Sheena is estatic as it seems like he has understood his fault. After all correction starts with understanding
and accepting one's fault.

And he continues, "It's all my fault, because it was me who asked God for a kid brother."

Basically his implication is that if there were only 1 kid, there would not be so much load on Mom and since
it was his request that led to God giving us Ishaan (as he believes now), the whole fault is his.

Can't fault this logic, can you ? :-)

P.S.: Incidentally it is close to a year since I last posted here. Hope I am more regular henceforth.