Sunday, December 21, 2008

Congratulations Divya - on winning the "Design the MAD way" contest.

Apparently, there is a show called MAD (Music, Art and Dance) on Pogo channel (kids would
know about this kiddy channel) and the guy (Rob) that hosts it was at Cochin yesterday for a promotional event.

The event was at the Oberon, the newest mall in Cochin & Reliance Trends was sponsoring
this event, where you could meet Rob and even participate in a design contest, with prizes
for the kids that have the best 6 entries. If you had done a purchase worth Rs2o00 at the
mall, they would give you the coupon making you eligible for the event.

My sister's neighbour had a coupon for the event and thus Divya participated in the event,
she being a regular Pogo watcher, like most kids. And you know what, her entry won the
First prize which included among other things a MAD set, something which she had always
wanted to have.

I am sure Divya would have had trouble sleeping yesterday night, what with getting to see
Bob, winning the 1st prize and to top it, she is on TV (Amrita news channel, JaiHind channel)
and in the newspapers (The Indian Express). Now, that surely is something.

BTW, her entry was a vegetable man - created from various vegetables. Seems like Bob was
pretty impressed with her creation. She has snaps of the same - will update this post with
the snaps later.

Way to go, girl. I am really proud of you.

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