Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Will do anything for that cute smile.

Bringing up a kid is no mean task, especially the first few years, when it is fully dependent on others - for food, company, cleaning up etc etc. Anyone who has gone through this experience would vouch for it.

The constant nappy changes, waking up at odd hours at night to feed him or the mind-boggling task of determining why the little one is howling - is he wet or is he hungry or is he sleepy or is he ill or is he just in the mood to bawl ?

As one of my software engineer friends (and a recent Dad) tells me, the problem is that there is only one error code (crying) with which you have to debug the problem, which is what makes it so tough. :-)

But when I wake up in the morning, and the first thing my eyes get to see is the little one lying alongside me on the bed and looking at me with a big, wide grin pasted on his face, I know why
a kid is worth every bit of the effort and parenthood one of the best pleasures of life.

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