Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Long forgotten parentage and occupation.

Till some years ago, the phenomenon of having stickers on cars (on the rear windshields
usually) was something alien to Kerala. It was more of a fad in Tamilnadu (and up North)
where the top favourites were to :

1. have the names of all kids in the family, with their initials intact, plastered all over the car.
2. have a religious message "Jesus saves" or "I am Jesus' favourite" or "Hare Rama, Hare Rama; Rama Rama Hare Hare" or "Jai Mata Di" etc
3. Up North, it would be like "Munnu Chunni di gaddi" (meaning, Munnu and Chunnu's vehicle).

Looks like it has caught on in Kerala too where I now see kid's names, religious stuff etc on
the rear windshields. But what I saw on the rear of a Suzuki Alto last week, was, to put it
mildly, really different.


Took me a few seconds to understand what he/she was implying. Put this across to a couple
of my Christian friends, but they could not make any sense of it. Looks like over the years,
the Jewish parentage of Jesus and his initial occupation of carpentry is forgotten as far as
modern day Christians are concerned. For them, maybe he is simply the son of God.

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