Thursday, January 07, 2010

Finding wit even among spam

Any cellphone user (atleast in India) would know how it feels to get tonnes of junk SMSes
in your Inbox. Even if you don't spend time reading them, time is required to clear them
from your phone.

But then, there are those rare moments when some of these contain humour (ofcourse unintentional) which makes you smile. Like this SMS I received from JoyAlukkas (the
jewellery store chain) just before 2009 ended, which I have quoted verbatim below :

"joy of new tear. Buy jewellery from joyalukkas & get free 22ct gold coin, pendant,
earrings & chain."

Ofcourse, they meant 'year', but just that it went out as 'tear' to thousands of cellphones.
To give credit to them, they did send out another SMS a day or two later with the typo

And as if to prove that gaffes like this are not the sole preserve of cellphones, today I got
an email from Outlook magazine, reminding me that "only 10 days left to renew my
subscription". Ofcourse, their previous deadline of "only 10 days left ..." got over only

The email lists out the offer details, free gifts that come with the 1/3/5 year subscriptions
etc and is signed "Himanshu Pandey, Head: Business Development". The only problem is
that instead of addressing the email to me, it is addressed to "Dear Himanshu Pandey".

Looks like the Outlook Business Dev. Head forgot to renew his own subscription. :-)