Friday, November 16, 2007

There's many a slip twixt mind and limb.

It is said that ideas have a strange way of striking at very odd times and it is always
a good idea to have pen and paper handy to note them down, lest you forget it later.
And miss a gem of an idea that could have made you a millionaire, enabling you to
retire to some fancy beach. :-)

But what happens when you are ready with pen and paper (or a laptop, as in current
times), but the mind races so fast that the hand holding the pen is unable to keep pace.

Noting down the title or even the gist of a blog post is easy. But putting down on paper,
the full post, as the mind blabbers away, is tough. There are numerous times when I have
experienced this. It sounds so easy when your mind gushes away. But try putting it down
in a way that conveys the full meaning, without being boring, and you will know what I am
talking about.

I thought about getting a small voice recorder for such situations, so that I can spew my
thoughts into it and later play it back so that I can capture all the details that I would have
otherwise lost by the time I set down to putting it down on paper.

Ofcourse, it would surely look odd if you are in a public place and are seen mouthing stuff
into a small device. Anyway, except for people thinking of you as a lunatic (which is not a
big deal anyway today, if you look at all the people walking around like zombies glued to
their mobile phones), I do not see any other cons in this idea.

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