Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's TTT (Typhoon Time in Tokyo) :-)

Yes, for the past couple of days, we were hearing our Japanese co-workers tell us about
the typhoon that's gonna hit Tokyo soon. Today afternoon, they said it's going to hit tonight
and by evening, it was getting real rainy and windy.

Most offices in Japan, I am told, have a kind of small balcony for employees to go out
and have a smoke. How I wish, we had something like this in India. Anyway, while leaving
for the day (and early at that), our Japanese co-workers had only one thing to say, "Avoid
going to the balcony". Meaning, you could be swept off from there, to God only knows where,
by the typhoon.

Hmm. But, what's life without an occasional smoke ? So, I gear up to go to the balcony and
the usually easy-to-open door would just not budge - it was being pushed by the force of
the wind. Anyway, that was sign enough for me to use my common-sense and avoid the
balcony. I try the stairway, and after some effort the door opens, but the wind is blowing
the rain all over the place.

Anyway, inspite of the danger of being drenched (and even swept away), habit prevails
and I somehow manage to hold on (to the door) for the 10-odd minutes I need for having
a cigarette.

While all co-workers have left early for home, due to the impending typhoon, I have to
stay back to finish some stuff that was long overdue. The wind gets louder and wilder.
I am worried as to how I would be able to make it to the hotel. Finally, at 10:30PM, I
am done and cautiously head to the street to make it to the hotel.

Well, there are people walking on the street, cabs are plying, the metro is running - so
life is going on as usual. Catch the metro, get to the hotel and am home. From the hotel
room, I can still hear the wind howling and the rain hitting the windows. But atleast I
am safe home (if you can call the hotel your home).

But then, who knows. I go to sleep now on the 23rd floor of the Hilton and might wake up somewhere on the ground far away, carried courtesy the typhoon. All I ask for is that, if
it is so destined to happen, let it happen when I am asleep, for I am afraid of heights.

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