Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am ...

I am curious. I experiment.
From experiments, I am lead to truth. Or so I believe.

I was part of a revolution. I gave roots to a concept - new to my nation, though not to the world.
I helped vote the first communist government in the world to power.

I rationalize, I think, I debate.
And I only accept what I believe to be the best, according to my rationalization.

I am well read. I am a linguistic minority compared to the many tongues spoken in my nation.
Still, the newspaper with the highest circulation in India comes out in my language.

My circle of interest is not limited to just my town or my state or even my country.
I am concerned about issues happening around the world and keep myself updated.

I am the true global citizen. You will find me all over the world.
The middle east, the Americas, Europe etc - you name the place, I am there.

Yet, wherever I go, I tune into the local culture and adapt to the conditions.
If I do stick out, its due to my hard work, efficiency and effectiveness.

I am above religion. What drives me is not what's written down over the ages,
but my acceptance of what's good & what's not.

I know that religion and politics are a potent mix and do not let them overlap.
My political leanings cannot be influenced by the highest authority of my religion & vice-versa.

I never give in to the arrogance of those who have power.
To me, power is about what I know, not about what I have.

I take my drink seriously. Well, a little too seriously.
Though I can't really say that I always practice sensible drinking. :-)

I accord equal importance to kids, irrespective of their gender.
Infact, I could be even accused of partiality towards baby girls.

While the rest of my country yearns for a male baby, and silences baby girls on birth itself,
mine is the only state in India with the male/female ratio in favour of females.

I see a movie as a work of art, with the director as creator - no blind hero worship for me.
And unlike other states, our movies emulate life and not vice versa.

I am extravagant when it comes to designing my home.
No wonder, you will find some of the most beautiful houses in my state.

Our women are known to be beautiful.
Infact, I might not be wrong in saying that they are the most beautiful on earth.

There is nothing to beat the sight of our women, at dawn in the temple or around the tulasi thara.
Their wet, long, black tresses held loosely by thin strands of hair.

To say that my state is blessed by Nature would be an understatement.
It would be more accurate to say that my state is in the lap of nature.

A carpet of lush greenery stretching from one end to the other,
with a seemingly never-ending canopy of coconut palms.

Who am I ?

I am ......... a Malayali.

A tribute to the indomitable Malayali spirit.
© 2003 - 2007 - Inca Red Creations.


  1. Nope. Well, I guess there are lots of Mallus named Biju. :-)

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I saw ur blog. I don't know how to praise you.

    Particularly this one, "I am ..." is impeccable.

    As far as I know, every single word in that is true. Very true.

    Keep writing.
    - SilentObserver
